Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Unlike many others, I don't like to set goals and resolutions and whatnot, knowing that ultimately many unpredictable events leaves your goals and resolutions dangling and eventually forgotten. But like many others, I shall just make up a list of new year's resolution for upcoming 2009. Gosh, I can't believe I am turning 18 soon.

In 2009, I will

1) Like everyone advises, drink less
2) Get my driving license 
3) Turn 18 (like definitely achievable) 
4) Relax, & go to Bintan with friends 
5) Zouk more (only applicable in the holidays, but to hell with it)
6) Didn't I just say drink less? Women are such bitches at contradicting themselves
7) Stop contradicting yourself, no, myself
8) Get less hangover (like the one I'm having right now)
9) Attend my violin lessons at regular basis (come on already)
10) Embrace MCM year 2
11) Forgive and Forget
12) Be happy!

What. A. Resolution.

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