Saturday, September 6, 2008


I guess I have never felt so happy being with people I love, 

And for any matter, people who are true to me.

Last night was a "happy drunk night", which comes by rarely

Let me guide you through, 

I define myself with 3 kinds of drunkenness, 

1) Happy drunk - where I laugh over the slightest thing, which might not even turn out funny. I wake up in the morning, hangover (checked), and a smile drawn on my face (checked).

2) Stone drunk - where I stone while drinking, literally thinking about nothing. Nothingness seeps into my vein, or maybe in this case, alcohol. Blank. Sleep. Hangover (checked), feeling stoned (checked)

3) Emotional drunk - where I get sensitive over the slightest thing, like heat is to snow. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING, that hits the tear duct trigger - BANG, there goes that bucket of tears, and a lot of on-going rambling about whatever. Hangover (checked), feeling like shit in the morning (checked)

So I was a happy drunk last night, for once. Danny would be elated to hear this, and as usual, even the "happy-drunk" has not proven 100% sensibility. I ought to wear a dog tag with my address next time. 

P.S. I still can't believe we stole the jug out of the club last night!  


Anonymous said...

hi there..have been followin yr blog..think u have aged considerably throughout these couple of smoke less and drink less. they make us look old me, u really do look alil old now for yr age...

preserve yr's the only temple u have on earth

S.WING said...

anon: thanks for your concern (; I will take care of myself