Friday, March 20, 2009

20. STFU

You know what's heart-breaking? When you put every inch of yourself out for that someone, that friend, that lover, anyone - and at the end of the day you realize you are nothing more to a human doormat. You put yourself down even though it never was your fault, you bite in every thoughts you have to repel, just to save the relationship. And one fine day when you decide to finally liberate your feelings into words, everything comes crumbling down because people are so used to you as an afterthought. You are nothing but a best supporting actress that buck the movie up. 

The punch line?

"I cried watching a comedy movie last night. I spent most of my time wondering what makes people happy to realize that the belief of humanity is sometimes a comical suicide. Because when you put yourself all out not to realize the depth of this relationship, you hit the ground slower, but with greater impact. What an irony."


Anonymous said...

Telling them blatantly is a good start. If you prefer to know, of course, as opposed to just wondering.

I guess the good part about hitting the ground is that you know. The knowledge alone that you are a doormat would typically be enough for a person to walk right out.

But sometimes this consciousness isn't enough. Sometimes you climb right back up to the top of the building, or at least you try to, and hope that you don't fall this time. Because some things are worth holding onto, worth the effort.

Put it this way, sometimes being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and thus having a change to reach it is better than turning and walking away.

Life is irrational, so we make do, and do the best we can.

Anonymous said...

friends/lovers come and go, only true friends stay forever

Anonymous said...

thanks hun, for writing this post in a perfect piece. was feeling exactly like how you felt and you managed to put it in words so accurately. made me feel a whole lot better. well, i guess im not alone. people are selfish, so maybe it's time we (me & you) take a step back & stop caring about the rest of the world


Dior said...

Agree with steph

S.WING said...

I guess we always feel this way, one way or another in life. Sometimes its really hard to keep up, really difficult when you put so much effort to love a friend/lover/anyone. But sometimes you are just like a glass door, people walk in and out, but they barely see you, they only see their own reflection...