Sunday, July 19, 2009

"The truth that many people never understand, until it is too late,
is that the more that you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer,
because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you in proportion to your fear of being hurt." 

-Thomas Merton

One year from now, I was searching for something, I still am. I still can't grasp reality, can't see beauty beyond flaws. Its ugly, downright ugly. This world, everyone with me included. When I look through these pages, I feel so vulnerable and exposed, almost too bare. I can't keep the walls down, I can't give a part of me I know someone can break - my heart


Josh said...

Even if someone gave you their heart back? You know, someday, you'll find someone who will put their heart in a box and give it to, asking for little in return. And you will know that is is safe to give them your heart.

Don't lose faith. Maybe, you've been looking through the wrong pages for too long.

Anonymous said...

I've learnt something through life. Wait for that someone to come by. Instead of looking for that someone, let them look for you and of course don't rush into things. Hearts get broken and the Pain is unbearable. Take it easy, enjoy life and the right one will come.